Stardust – Heads or Tails

There’s an admiration to doing something or becoming someone beyond where you came from. There are people who are their job, their reputation, the rumours that circle them…But for many, they walk their own path, making it their own. To discover new beginnings, new friends, enemies, excitement and adventure. There is a beauty in knowingContinue reading “Stardust – Heads or Tails”

Avengers – A Gauntlet of Heroes

I’ve already talked about each original Avenger, their strengths, their weaknesses, their struggles and how they have witnessed horrors and had overcome many odds; even when they were at odds with themselves. From the concepts of selfishness and selflessness with Tony Stark and Steve Rogers, emphasising what its like to have a massive ego withContinue reading “Avengers – A Gauntlet of Heroes”

Taxi Driver – A Walking Contradiction

It’s interesting to see the best of someone, their journey and their decisions that counteract what is going on around them. We love to see them rise above what is holding them down. And for some, that is enough. But for others, they always find themselves attracted to the downfall as well as the triumph.Continue reading “Taxi Driver – A Walking Contradiction”

Parasyte in Film

Why is it good to be a human? I would perhaps answer that by stating our intelligence, our psychological concepts of right and wrong, life and death, logical and illogical concepts of understanding. Would I be right? Because we cannot ignore our emotional intelligence when it comes to making connections with other things and eachContinue reading “Parasyte in Film”

Shutter Island – Men of Violence

It’s fascinating to watch it all again, to realise the connection of what is real and what isn’t in the smallest details. How immediately Teddy dislikes water, to never have cigarettes, to never lighting them himself, to immediately know that the island has an electrified perimeter even though this was his first time on theContinue reading “Shutter Island – Men of Violence”

Arrival – Pay It Forward

We follow Louise, we follow the visions, and we realise her journey of her future whilst she is in her present. The child she sees is her own, and she sees her daughter be born, live a life and die in the same breath. We see her discover and learn a unique alien language, presentedContinue reading “Arrival – Pay It Forward”

Blade Runner – Rain And Snow

There’s this desperate desire to be special, and we always assume that, if we are following the main character in a story, it is their story we are unfolding, it is their journey that presents this progression of the exceptional. We sometimes even forget how special we are, in our own organic bodies that serveContinue reading “Blade Runner – Rain And Snow”

Fight Club and Cinderella – Hitting Rock Bottom

From what I have found within my analysis of various films, games and TV shows, is the constant underlining themes of say, betrayal, love, coming of age and so on, and how they place some worth in the storyline; and sometimes it’s almost as if the writer, director, or creator wants us to learn aContinue reading “Fight Club and Cinderella – Hitting Rock Bottom”

Spider-Man No Way Home – Lessons of Three Lives

Spider-Man, since the very beginning, has been a superhero that has been described by Stan Lee to be an ‘everyday’ hero; because of his costume completely covering his identity, this can inspire anyone to be a hero. The beauty of this realisation has us getting inspired to be the best that we can be. WhilstContinue reading “Spider-Man No Way Home – Lessons of Three Lives”

Thanos’ Snap & The Trauma That Followed

We all felt our hearts miss a beat when Thanos was not defeated and when he snapped his fingers, knowing full well that half of the universe was merely moments away of becoming non-existent. But the question is whether the people, the avengers and other side characters who disappeared, were really chosen at random atContinue reading “Thanos’ Snap & The Trauma That Followed”

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