The Discovery (2017) – Connections of Choice and Regret

“We’re a bunch of people running around making the same mistakes over and over, and I don’t know why we think it’ll be different somewhere else unless we learn what we’re supposed to while we’re here.” – Will (Jason Segel) The Discovery presents the concept of another plane of existence after this reality has beenContinue reading “The Discovery (2017) – Connections of Choice and Regret”

The Lighthouse (2019) – There Be Madness

“Should pale death, with treble dread, make the ocean caves our bed, God who hears the surges roll, deign to save the suppliant soul” The Lighthouse, inspired by many sailor myths and lore within the sea faring landscape in the 19th Century, presents a hauntingly claustrophobic setting. The decision to film in grey tones, heightensContinue reading “The Lighthouse (2019) – There Be Madness”

The OA: Part 2 – Lessons in Cyclical Dimensions

“We shall not cease from exploration, And the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time” T.S. Eliot The arrival of the series The OA brought about many viewers questioning and revelling in its mystical and mysterious non-linear storytelling arc. Whereas dimensions areContinue reading “The OA: Part 2 – Lessons in Cyclical Dimensions”

Tomorrowland (2015) – An Attempt at Optimism

A blurring of reality and fiction In creation for a utopia Can have its own problems from within. It takes the right mind set The right beginning To make the right kind of tomorrow. Thinking outside of the box; finding that spark of optimism; feeding the right wolf can portray a new tomorrow, a newContinue reading “Tomorrowland (2015) – An Attempt at Optimism”

Oats Studios: Firebase (2017) – The Power of Threes

This is third and last instalment of the three episodes that concentrate and perhaps encourages others to give Oats Studios a watch on YouTube and Steam for free. With Neill Blomkamp at the helm, it’s been a beautifully crafted burst of sci-fi shorts with effects that could make the big production companies do a doubleContinue reading “Oats Studios: Firebase (2017) – The Power of Threes”

Black Mirror: Shut Up And Dance (2016) – A Driving Fear

A crack or a smear, Can darken or blur the image in the mirror. Can you see past the problems? Or are you relying on that ruined image, To be the real you? There are more choices, Than what is given. All it takes is your initiative, To clear away the dirt. Black Mirror episodesContinue reading “Black Mirror: Shut Up And Dance (2016) – A Driving Fear”

Colossal (2016) – The Monster in the Metaphor

From all of the choices we could make, We seem to go for the ones that give us pleasure From addictive temporary fixes Through the ignorance of not understanding The abuse we endure or project. Only we can choose. Our monstrous selves Can teach us a lesson And show us who we really are. FromContinue reading “Colossal (2016) – The Monster in the Metaphor”

John Wick (2014) – Help, Punish or Kill…

What’s in a name? A name that could curse the heavens, a name that condemns your life? Cursed. A cursed life. It’s the gut reaction of calling someone cursed, calling them names to place them in a different place from your own. Or is it another way to warn others? It is how you makeContinue reading “John Wick (2014) – Help, Punish or Kill…”

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