Horns (2013) – Demonic Double Meanings

“She was my garden of Eden. And God knows how beautiful it was until that night. You know, no one is born evil. The devil himself was a fallen angel. But sometimes when you go through hell, the only way out is to walk deeper into the fire.” – Ig From Joe Hill’s book ofContinue reading “Horns (2013) – Demonic Double Meanings”

The OA: Part 2 – Lessons in Cyclical Dimensions

“We shall not cease from exploration, And the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time” T.S. Eliot The arrival of the series The OA brought about many viewers questioning and revelling in its mystical and mysterious non-linear storytelling arc. Whereas dimensions areContinue reading “The OA: Part 2 – Lessons in Cyclical Dimensions”

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