Annihilation and The Lighthouse – The Final Destination

From what I have found within my analysis of various films, games and TV shows, is the constant underlining themes of say, betrayal, love, coming of age and so on, and how they place some worth in the storyline; and sometimes it’s almost as if the writer, director, or creator wants us to learn aContinue reading “Annihilation and The Lighthouse – The Final Destination”

Horns (2013) – Demonic Double Meanings

“She was my garden of Eden. And God knows how beautiful it was until that night. You know, no one is born evil. The devil himself was a fallen angel. But sometimes when you go through hell, the only way out is to walk deeper into the fire.” – Ig From Joe Hill’s book ofContinue reading “Horns (2013) – Demonic Double Meanings”

Fish Tank (2009) – California Dreamin’

Fishtank, a uniquely hardened British film presenting the coming-of-age journey of a 15-year-old girl in an Essex council estate, it follows like a fly on the wall; giving the audience a glimpse into a broken home and how resilience and determination has made hardened walls between each family member. From the mother’s jealousy of herContinue reading “Fish Tank (2009) – California Dreamin’”

The Lighthouse (2019) – There Be Madness

“Should pale death, with treble dread, make the ocean caves our bed, God who hears the surges roll, deign to save the suppliant soul” The Lighthouse, inspired by many sailor myths and lore within the sea faring landscape in the 19th Century, presents a hauntingly claustrophobic setting. The decision to film in grey tones, heightensContinue reading “The Lighthouse (2019) – There Be Madness”

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