Fight Club – I am Jack’s Lack of Understanding

It’s a fascinating film, Fight Club. A treasure trove of meaning, with a bit of subtle manipulation depending on how old you are, what in your life you are watching it and primarily what reaction the film gives you. This film might empower you, it might want you to flee societal norms, or even, forContinue reading “Fight Club – I am Jack’s Lack of Understanding”

Men – Not All Men Suck

Was a battle of the sexes always inevitable? Or did we create a rift ourselves through all the things said and done between us? Perhaps it doesn’t matter about your gender, but your words, your impact on those around you, even to the point of when you are gone. The trauma can do so muchContinue reading “Men – Not All Men Suck”

Constantine – Between Angels and Demons

Influence and balance play a complicated dance within the realms of Heaven and Hell, with us, the human realm, being in the middle. We have whispers in our ears, seeds of thoughts placed in our heads, love or hate bubbling in our bellies, placed there by others. But surely its our choice to act onContinue reading “Constantine – Between Angels and Demons”

High Rise (2015) – Our Heightened Sense of Detachment

“Sometimes he found it difficult not to believe they were living in a future that had already taken place.” The film is spread over three months with the outside world quickly becoming forgotten to the residents of the High Rise, and thus, things such as the law become obsolete. This seems to embark a stringContinue reading “High Rise (2015) – Our Heightened Sense of Detachment”

The Discovery (2017) – Connections of Choice and Regret

“We’re a bunch of people running around making the same mistakes over and over, and I don’t know why we think it’ll be different somewhere else unless we learn what we’re supposed to while we’re here.” – Will (Jason Segel) The Discovery presents the concept of another plane of existence after this reality has beenContinue reading “The Discovery (2017) – Connections of Choice and Regret”

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