Oppenheimer – The Human Equation

Under observation, we can change, become more polite or even more hostile. We take a breath and decide our outcome, predict the probability of success. We create things and share it, hoping for the right outcome. But what can we do if what we make is used in a different manner? What can we sayContinue reading “Oppenheimer – The Human Equation”

Hawkeye – The Man Before Ronin

Once more we find ourselves discovering more about this character because of a stand-a-lone series dedicated to Hawkeye, seamlessly merging with Endgame and 2021’s Black Widow. Like two best friends that we only discover through recollection, we find more out about Clint Barton through his recollections of Natasha. We discover his heart warming side throughContinue reading “Hawkeye – The Man Before Ronin”

The Discovery (2017) – Connections of Choice and Regret

“We’re a bunch of people running around making the same mistakes over and over, and I don’t know why we think it’ll be different somewhere else unless we learn what we’re supposed to while we’re here.” – Will (Jason Segel) The Discovery presents the concept of another plane of existence after this reality has beenContinue reading “The Discovery (2017) – Connections of Choice and Regret”

The OA: Part 2 – Lessons in Cyclical Dimensions

“We shall not cease from exploration, And the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time” T.S. Eliot The arrival of the series The OA brought about many viewers questioning and revelling in its mystical and mysterious non-linear storytelling arc. Whereas dimensions areContinue reading “The OA: Part 2 – Lessons in Cyclical Dimensions”

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