Oppenheimer – The Human Equation

Under observation, we can change, become more polite or even more hostile. We take a breath and decide our outcome, predict the probability of success. We create things and share it, hoping for the right outcome. But what can we do if what we make is used in a different manner? What can we sayContinue reading “Oppenheimer – The Human Equation”

The Lighthouse (2019) – There Be Madness

“Should pale death, with treble dread, make the ocean caves our bed, God who hears the surges roll, deign to save the suppliant soul” The Lighthouse, inspired by many sailor myths and lore within the sea faring landscape in the 19th Century, presents a hauntingly claustrophobic setting. The decision to film in grey tones, heightensContinue reading “The Lighthouse (2019) – There Be Madness”

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