Oats Studios: ADAM (1-3) | Where Is Your Soul?

Oats Studios will always have a soft spot for me, as I went down a YouTube hole and found Rakka by chance. Its design, its plot devices, its unique concepts of a dystopian world…it got me hooked. And like many, I enjoyed the fact that it didn’t really have an ending. Neill Blomkamp, the directorContinue reading “Oats Studios: ADAM (1-3) | Where Is Your Soul?”

Oats Studios: Firebase (2017) – The Power of Threes

This is third and last instalment of the three episodes that concentrate and perhaps encourages others to give Oats Studios a watch on YouTube and Steam for free. With Neill Blomkamp at the helm, it’s been a beautifully crafted burst of sci-fi shorts with effects that could make the big production companies do a doubleContinue reading “Oats Studios: Firebase (2017) – The Power of Threes”

Oats Studios: Zygote (2017) – Die Like a Synth or Live Like a Human

For the next few episodes, I wanted to analyse something that everyone can watch for free on YouTube and Steam. Oats Studios, an independent film studio, was started by Oscar-nominated South African film-maker Neill Blomkamp in 2017. Some films that he has done are Elysium, Chappie, and of course, District 9. So, with that said,Continue reading “Oats Studios: Zygote (2017) – Die Like a Synth or Live Like a Human”

District 9 (2009) – Transformation Through the Uncanny

“The uncanny is in reality Nothing new or alien, but something which is familiar and of old established in the mind and which has become alienated from it only through the process of repression” (Richard Kearney in ‘Strangers, Gods and Monsters’) There are many prejudices and injustices in the world that could leave a badContinue reading “District 9 (2009) – Transformation Through the Uncanny”

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