Hulk – The Man Beside The Monster

We could all comment on how Bruce Banner and Hulk have been through a-lot when it comes to the entirety of their time spent with the Avengers. Bruce had this own troubles to deal with when it came down to his haunting past and personal retribution; and let’s get this straight from the beginning, BannerContinue reading “Hulk – The Man Beside The Monster”

Thor – The God Beneath The Thunder

The last two episodes of the Avengers Series concentrated on men who were given the chance to be more, a chance to learn the concepts of heroism in different ways; to rise up to the challenge in their own personal story arcs, facing it head on with their wits, their sense of belief and theirContinue reading “Thor – The God Beneath The Thunder”

Steve & Tony – Whatever It Takes…

There are many parallels when it comes to characters that hold the big screen and hold our attention; they might make us want to be the best we can be, they might show us our empathic selves, or fill us with sadness, rage, love or distaste in their choices. We find ourselves glued to theContinue reading “Steve & Tony – Whatever It Takes…”

Iron Man – The Man Beneath The Mask

Tony Stark, known as Iron Man throughout the world, is a man who revels in his achievements and the adoring fans that follow. But we all know that when this attention is firmly fixed on someone who proclaims themselves a hero, there is more than just the good times that present a man who isContinue reading “Iron Man – The Man Beneath The Mask”

Steve & Bucky – ‘Til The End Of The Line

Being the best of friends from a young age until adulthood can sometimes be a hard thing to master, but Steve and Bucky eclipse this by their easy going friendship that lasts decades, overcoming hardships and truths that bond them together for a lifetime. Or in our case, two lifetimes. And if you think aboutContinue reading “Steve & Bucky – ‘Til The End Of The Line”

Squid Game (2021) – Money or Your Life

It seems there was always going to be a choice in what we can do; left or right, blue or red, play or not to play. So why would a game like this be any different? We follow the Seong Gi-hun as we delve into the crisis of the poor and the desperate as theyContinue reading “Squid Game (2021) – Money or Your Life”

Midsommar (2019) – The Significance of Nines

There is a-lot to be desired by this film as this gives us a subtle glance into the reasonings behind the Harga and their festivities…But it also raises more questions in itself. We can understand that the Harga are more aligned with the sharing of things, even the raising of children, emotional outbursts, and celebrationContinue reading “Midsommar (2019) – The Significance of Nines”

High Rise (2015) – Our Heightened Sense of Detachment

“Sometimes he found it difficult not to believe they were living in a future that had already taken place.” The film is spread over three months with the outside world quickly becoming forgotten to the residents of the High Rise, and thus, things such as the law become obsolete. This seems to embark a stringContinue reading “High Rise (2015) – Our Heightened Sense of Detachment”

Annihilation and The Lighthouse – The Final Destination

From what I have found within my analysis of various films, games and TV shows, is the constant underlining themes of say, betrayal, love, coming of age and so on, and how they place some worth in the storyline; and sometimes it’s almost as if the writer, director, or creator wants us to learn aContinue reading “Annihilation and The Lighthouse – The Final Destination”

I Think We’re Alone Now (2018) – Variations of Grief

“You keep your town nice and clean. That’s great. And we do that with our people. They don’t have to remember what happened before. They don’t have to live in the past. There’s no ‘before’. There’s only from now on… Isn’t that beautiful? To not have to remember anything?” In the first 13 minutes orContinue reading “I Think We’re Alone Now (2018) – Variations of Grief”

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