Call Me By Your Name – External Flux

This type of film, almost like it was made with the intention of becoming art house, is a very slow burn with it’s concentration leaning on what is not said. Body language, colour schemes and the music that fits a scene and then abruptly ends like a thought bubble being popped. It presents the stillnessContinue reading “Call Me By Your Name – External Flux”

Oppenheimer | The Human Equation

Under observation, we can change, become more polite or even more hostile. We take a breath and decide our outcome, predict the probability of success. We create things and share it, hoping for the right outcome. But what can we do if what we make is used in a different manner? What can we sayContinue reading “Oppenheimer | The Human Equation”

The Breakfast Club – Don’t You Forget About Me

When in school, we tend to act differently from what we wanted to be. Whether that’s by our parents’ inclusion, our friends, or even our own thoughts, we either rebel from it, revel in it, or get swallowed up by it. Where does the value in who we are lie? Is it our grades, howContinue reading “The Breakfast Club – Don’t You Forget About Me”

Closer – Hello Stranger

It’s easy to forget that our significant other was just a total stranger in the beginning. I guess through time and conversations, obstacles you have to face together, even rivalry for that hard earned love might place a question mark on this person you thought you knew. Through these chosen scenes, it seems we areContinue reading “Closer – Hello Stranger”

Chronicle – This Isn’t a Superhero Story

We’ve seen films before that explore the teenager trope and their troubles, the high schooler and the mistakes and misfortunes in the classroom, blending it with the school environment. But what if it went further than that? The problems become bigger, internal struggles tend to break the balance and become external in force. Anger andContinue reading “Chronicle – This Isn’t a Superhero Story”

Oats Studios: ADAM (1-3) | Where Is Your Soul?

Oats Studios will always have a soft spot for me, as I went down a YouTube hole and found Rakka by chance. Its design, its plot devices, its unique concepts of a dystopian world…it got me hooked. And like many, I enjoyed the fact that it didn’t really have an ending. Neill Blomkamp, the directorContinue reading “Oats Studios: ADAM (1-3) | Where Is Your Soul?”

Fight Club – I am Jack’s Lack of Understanding

It’s a fascinating film, Fight Club. A treasure trove of meaning, with a bit of subtle manipulation depending on how old you are, what in your life you are watching it and primarily what reaction the film gives you. This film might empower you, it might want you to flee societal norms, or even, forContinue reading “Fight Club – I am Jack’s Lack of Understanding”

Joker – ‘I Hope My Death Makes More Cents Than My Life’

Watching it again, I can understand the popular interest in trying to figure out what in this film is real and what is not, as various moments are highlighted as being delusions in Arthur’s head. However, simply just labelling the events of the movie as real or as a delusion wouldn’t quite do it justice,Continue reading “Joker – ‘I Hope My Death Makes More Cents Than My Life’”

Fight Club & Joker – Freedom In The Chaos

“Only once you have lost everything, you are free to do anything” -Tyler Durden We all know about Fight Club, and it can be assumed that the ending is like the ending of Sixth Sense. Once one person knows, everyone knows. Tyler Durden is the creative end product of what the narrator wanted to be.Continue reading “Fight Club & Joker – Freedom In The Chaos”

Interview With The Vampire – “Merciful Death, How You Love Your Precious Guilt”

Everything can become fascinating when you have all of the time of eternity. But when does that fascination lead to other things? Such as thoughts of one’s own lost mortality, morality and that certain fragile beauty of being a human? It seems we all want things we cannot have; whether that be to join withContinue reading “Interview With The Vampire – “Merciful Death, How You Love Your Precious Guilt””

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