Interview With The Vampire – “Merciful Death, How You Love Your Precious Guilt”

Everything can become fascinating when you have all of the time of eternity. But when does that fascination lead to other things? Such as thoughts of one’s own lost mortality, morality and that certain fragile beauty of being a human? It seems we all want things we cannot have; whether that be to join withContinue reading “Interview With The Vampire – “Merciful Death, How You Love Your Precious Guilt””

Soul (2020) – How Jazzing Can Be Enough

You know, lost souls are not that different from those in the zone. The zone is enjoyable, but when that joy becomes an obsession, one becomes disconnected from life. – Moonwind The soul can be a funny thing; its regarded as an incorporeal essence of a living being, and yet, because of the many religious,Continue reading “Soul (2020) – How Jazzing Can Be Enough”

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