Fight Club & Joker – Freedom In The Chaos

“Only once you have lost everything, you are free to do anything” -Tyler Durden We all know about Fight Club, and it can be assumed that the ending is like the ending of Sixth Sense. Once one person knows, everyone knows. Tyler Durden is the creative end product of what the narrator wanted to be.Continue reading “Fight Club & Joker – Freedom In The Chaos”

The Addams Family (1991 & 1993) – Happy Family Values

The Addams Family is the most refreshing take on the nuclear family unit, submitting a more dark and satirical inversion to the ideal American household for decades. From the Charles Addams cartoons of these unnamed characters in 1938, this sparked an inspiring goth cultured, thoughtful and loving family unit that were quite happy to stayContinue reading “The Addams Family (1991 & 1993) – Happy Family Values”

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