Joker – ‘I Hope My Death Makes More Cents Than My Life’

Watching it again, I can understand the popular interest in trying to figure out what in this film is real and what is not, as various moments are highlighted as being delusions in Arthur’s head. However, simply just labelling the events of the movie as real or as a delusion wouldn’t quite do it justice,Continue reading “Joker – ‘I Hope My Death Makes More Cents Than My Life’”

Fight Club & Joker – Freedom In The Chaos

“Only once you have lost everything, you are free to do anything” -Tyler Durden We all know about Fight Club, and it can be assumed that the ending is like the ending of Sixth Sense. Once one person knows, everyone knows. Tyler Durden is the creative end product of what the narrator wanted to be.Continue reading “Fight Club & Joker – Freedom In The Chaos”

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