Horizon Zero Dawn (2017) – Mechanical Harmony

The landscape within Horizon Zero Dawn is a beautiful thing to behold. Even the robots, their physical appearances copying that of various animals that are no longer on Earth adds a pleasing visual touch. To bring the reality of a post-apocalyptic world, anthropologists were consulted to authenticate the world’s decay over a millennium, making everythingContinue reading “Horizon Zero Dawn (2017) – Mechanical Harmony”

Death Stranding Part 1 – The Spectral Earth

Episode One : The Spectral Earth On this episode of Two Takes I have decided to do something different. Although the general theme of this podcast is films, with the analysis based on theories with insightful facts, would you say the same for a game? It is said that a game has a whole universeContinue reading “Death Stranding Part 1 – The Spectral Earth”

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