Far From The Madding Crowd – Let No Man Steal Your Thyme

There’s no joy in the jilting of lovers, of the potential of something that could have been. There are moments of circumstance that propel coincidences further and further together, to the point that even long lost sweethearts from your past come back to ask for help. that neighbours become more than you wanted. When aContinue reading “Far From The Madding Crowd – Let No Man Steal Your Thyme”

Batman Returns – Of Monsters and Men

There can be blurred lines between a villain, hero and someone in between. Blurred even to the point where they all look the same. Even so, these differing paths seem to be lonely ones, pursuing what they deem to be important; for the betterment of themselves through the usual revenge arc or for others byContinue reading “Batman Returns – Of Monsters and Men”

Men – Not All Men Suck

Was a battle of the sexes always inevitable? Or did we create a rift ourselves through all the things said and done between us? Perhaps it doesn’t matter about your gender, but your words, your impact on those around you, even to the point of when you are gone. The trauma can do so muchContinue reading “Men – Not All Men Suck”

Studio Ghibli – Other Worldly Cats

I just wanted to take a moment to admire what most of us love, well, two things actually. Studio Ghibli and cats. This is Two Takes and this is Second Watch. A short exploration of cats within the realms of film. Whisper of the Heart, Kiki’s Delivery Service, The Cat Returns and, for purposes ofContinue reading “Studio Ghibli – Other Worldly Cats”

Before I Fall – Become Who You Are

It’s astounding that chaos can ensure after one incident, how one day can have the impact of an earthquake to some, and a minor breeze to others. For Sam, it’s the given time before she falls. The time to observe, to reflect, to learn. The time to realise that living each day like it isContinue reading “Before I Fall – Become Who You Are”

Labyrinth – Nothing Is What It Seems

Being stuck in a small bubble of one’s own making, it can seem that anything outside can disrupt the world one has built for themselves. Outside interventions can prevent this idyllic way of living, this living in a fairy tale, into a labyrinth of human emotion. Passageways containing complications, with curve balls that test yourContinue reading “Labyrinth – Nothing Is What It Seems”

Half Nelson – One Thing Doesn’t Make A Man

It’s pretty hard to come to terms with realising you have a problem, let alone many of them. The kids in Dan’s class are exploring the Civil Rights Movement in conjunction with opposing forces that have different beliefs, fighting for what they believe is right, and not seeing eye to eye. This aspect of teachingContinue reading “Half Nelson – One Thing Doesn’t Make A Man”

Spiderhead – What Goes Up Must Come Down

There could be a-lot of assumptions made on our emotions. How we react to this with the slightest touch, the smallest reaction; could be a intake of breath, a lack of speech, not wanting to look into someones eyes. This could be noted for what is said, or what is not said. Or even withinContinue reading “Spiderhead – What Goes Up Must Come Down”

Constantine – Between Angels and Demons

Influence and balance play a complicated dance within the realms of Heaven and Hell, with us, the human realm, being in the middle. We have whispers in our ears, seeds of thoughts placed in our heads, love or hate bubbling in our bellies, placed there by others. But surely its our choice to act onContinue reading “Constantine – Between Angels and Demons”

Stardust – Heads or Tails

There’s an admiration to doing something or becoming someone beyond where you came from. There are people who are their job, their reputation, the rumours that circle them…But for many, they walk their own path, making it their own. To discover new beginnings, new friends, enemies, excitement and adventure. There is a beauty in knowingContinue reading “Stardust – Heads or Tails”

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