I Think We’re Alone Now (2018) – Variations of Grief

“You keep your town nice and clean. That’s great. And we do that with our people. They don’t have to remember what happened before. They don’t have to live in the past. There’s no ‘before’. There’s only from now on… Isn’t that beautiful? To not have to remember anything?” In the first 13 minutes orContinue reading “I Think We’re Alone Now (2018) – Variations of Grief”

I Care A Lot (2020) – The Profit of Cruel Intentions

“There’s two types of people in this world. Those who take and those that get took. Predators and prey. Lions and lambs.” – Marla Greyson Whether or not you born into circumstances, the name of the game is what you do with what you have. Whether you let yourself become part of the herd, orContinue reading “I Care A Lot (2020) – The Profit of Cruel Intentions”

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