Thanos’ Snap & The Trauma That Followed

We all felt our hearts miss a beat when Thanos was not defeated and when he snapped his fingers, knowing full well that half of the universe was merely moments away of becoming non-existent. But the question is whether the people, the avengers and other side characters who disappeared, were really chosen at random atContinue reading “Thanos’ Snap & The Trauma That Followed”

Hawkeye – The Man Before Ronin

Once more we find ourselves discovering more about this character because of a stand-a-lone series dedicated to Hawkeye, seamlessly merging with Endgame and 2021’s Black Widow. Like two best friends that we only discover through recollection, we find more out about Clint Barton through his recollections of Natasha. We discover his heart warming side throughContinue reading “Hawkeye – The Man Before Ronin”

Captain America – The Man Underneath the Banner

Captain America has perhaps become the most symbolic character of standing one’s ground and to follow the righteous path of truth and honour. And, for the overall character arc, that might be true. But what about the man underneath the American banner? We all want to be a hero, but with that want finds theContinue reading “Captain America – The Man Underneath the Banner”

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