The Lighthouse (2019) – There Be Madness

“Should pale death, with treble dread, make the ocean caves our bed, God who hears the surges roll, deign to save the suppliant soul” The Lighthouse, inspired by many sailor myths and lore within the sea faring landscape in the 19th Century, presents a hauntingly claustrophobic setting. The decision to film in grey tones, heightensContinue reading “The Lighthouse (2019) – There Be Madness”

Colossal (2016) – The Monster in the Metaphor

From all of the choices we could make, We seem to go for the ones that give us pleasure From addictive temporary fixes Through the ignorance of not understanding The abuse we endure or project. Only we can choose. Our monstrous selves Can teach us a lesson And show us who we really are. FromContinue reading “Colossal (2016) – The Monster in the Metaphor”

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