Fight Club & Joker – Freedom In The Chaos

“Only once you have lost everything, you are free to do anything” -Tyler Durden We all know about Fight Club, and it can be assumed that the ending is like the ending of Sixth Sense. Once one person knows, everyone knows. Tyler Durden is the creative end product of what the narrator wanted to be.Continue reading “Fight Club & Joker – Freedom In The Chaos”

Studio Ghibli – Other Worldly Cats

I just wanted to take a moment to admire what most of us love, well, two things actually. Studio Ghibli and cats. This is Two Takes and this is Second Watch. A short exploration of cats within the realms of film. Whisper of the Heart, Kiki’s Delivery Service, The Cat Returns and, for purposes ofContinue reading “Studio Ghibli – Other Worldly Cats”

Parasyte in Film

Why is it good to be a human? I would perhaps answer that by stating our intelligence, our psychological concepts of right and wrong, life and death, logical and illogical concepts of understanding. Would I be right? Because we cannot ignore our emotional intelligence when it comes to making connections with other things and eachContinue reading “Parasyte in Film”

Fight Club and Cinderella – Hitting Rock Bottom

From what I have found within my analysis of various films, games and TV shows, is the constant underlining themes of say, betrayal, love, coming of age and so on, and how they place some worth in the storyline; and sometimes it’s almost as if the writer, director, or creator wants us to learn aContinue reading “Fight Club and Cinderella – Hitting Rock Bottom”

Midsommar and 15 Million Merits – The Pretence of Choice

From what I have found within my analysis of various films, games and TV shows, is the constant underlining themes of say, betrayal, love, coming of age and so on, and how they place some worth in the storyline; and sometimes it’s almost as if the writer, director, or creator wants us to learn aContinue reading “Midsommar and 15 Million Merits – The Pretence of Choice”

Annihilation and The Lighthouse – The Final Destination

From what I have found within my analysis of various films, games and TV shows, is the constant underlining themes of say, betrayal, love, coming of age and so on, and how they place some worth in the storyline; and sometimes it’s almost as if the writer, director, or creator wants us to learn aContinue reading “Annihilation and The Lighthouse – The Final Destination”

Horizon Zero Dawn and Final Fantasy VII – Beyond the Dystopia

From what I have found within my analysis of various films, games and TV shows, is the constant underlining themes of say, betrayal, love, coming of age and so on, and how they place some worth in the storyline; and sometimes it’s almost as if the writer, director, or creator wants us to learn aContinue reading “Horizon Zero Dawn and Final Fantasy VII – Beyond the Dystopia”

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